Some of my friends, relatives and specially my parents are asking me often how is the weather like in NYC. Well, as you can see by this nice photo, the weather in NYC is really cold and it's beeing worse if it's possible. Today I've received a mail from the vice president for public safety at NYU warning about a severe weather alert regarding a winter storm expected for next night. So tomorrow the whole city is exepected to wake up covered by snow. The news scares me because I don't use to live in such extrem conditions. However, I will be no loguer afraid since a very good friend of mine lend me a great anorak suitable for permanent snow environments. Many thanks Eddie!! Although I look like the characters of the Ninja Turtle, an old Yankee call says "While I'm going warm, keep the people laughing" :-).
Hi, Òscar,
How are you?!
In China the weather is excellent. Next Saturday We'll celebrate the Spring's Festival (New Year).
Enjoy a lolt!!!
Això, això, que riguin!! I tu calentet!!
Sort que ja tens qui t'escalfa el llit...... pàjaru !!!
juas juas...les news volen!
Ja era hora que reprenguéssis el BLOC de NYCATREPORT!!!!
Volem més posts!!!
Com que per fi has actualitzat el blog, jo em decideixo a escriure't!
Aquest any ens hem perdut l'esquiada i l'escaquejada de diumenge. Què se n'haurà fet d'aquella terrasseta a Andorra...
Un petonàs i gaudeix de l'aventura!
Marina Gallés
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